Boutique Unique Designs

Snap On Pin Cushion
Digital PDF Sewing Pattern
The Snap On Pin Cushion is a multi functional pin cushion that switches with you from machine to hand sewing. It has been designed to house your pins and hand sewing needles in an easy on the eye way.
The felt strip is perfect for all your hand sewing needles whilst the rest of the bulk of the cushion can be filled up with all your lovely pins.
It is paired up with its own base pad (pattern included). There are two versions of the base with the ribbon either feeding out vertically to go over the top of your machine or horizontally to go around the right-hand body.
There are also pattern markings for either magnetic snaps or hook and loop tape (Velcro).
I wanted to keep the costs down and use up some of my nice scraps so I have made this purely from things I already had lying around.
Buying Guide
- Cotton Fabric - 14” x 14” or scraps with the largest scrap being 7” x 5.5”
- Stuffing - Approx. 100g Toy/Cushion Stuffing
- Felt 7” x 1.5”
- Medium Weight Iron On Interfacing 6” x 4.5” (2 pieces 3” x 4.5”)
- Trim - 16” (2 pieces 8”)
- Version 1 only Magnetic Fasteners - 2
- Version 2 only Hook and Loop Tape - 3” x 1”
- Cardboard - 6” x 4.5” (2 pieces 3” x 4.5”)
- 2 Buttons Optional
- Ribbon - 40” (2 pieces 20”)

Base – 3” wide 4.5” long, Cushion – 3” wide, 4.5” long 2.5” high

Key Features
Switches from Machine to Hand Sewing

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